Invite All Facebook Friends to Like a Page at Once 2019
Facebook is the best social platform, which provides various ways to advertise or making a brand for business people. One who has a company or business or a website and wants to promote their products or content, then Facebook has many opportunities. You can promote your content by creating a group or a page.
Nowadays, everyone including website/blog owners or companies are promoting their brands through a Facebook page. Social marketing is not so easy. You need to attract more users to like your page, after that you’ll get the success.
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After creating a page, the first thing that you need to do is invite your friends to like your page. Facebook has a friend strength of 5000 and suppose you have more than 4000 friends, and you want to invite them all. This process will take minimum half an hour to complete, and it’ll also waste your time. Selecting that amount of friends may irritate someone. So, here is a cool trick for you to invite all Facebook friends to like a page or group at once.
Requirements & Procedure
This process requires the following things
1) Google Chrome browser
2) Little bit skill
Invite All Facebook Friends using Google Chrome
1) Open your Chrome browser and Install an extension called “Facebook Invite All“. The link is given below.
2) This extension will provide you the way to invite all friends.
3) After successfully installed, it’ll appear a tick mark on the Chrome’s address bar, whenever you open the Facebook.
4) Now login to your Facebook account and navigate to the desired page for which you want to invite your friends to like.
5) On the page, click on “Invite friends to like this page” link. It’ll open a popup window with the name of your all friends.
6) Now click on the tick button, which present on the address bar.
7) Within couple of minutes all of your friends are selected. You just need to click “Send Invites” button to send them invites.
This is a simple extension to invite all Facebook friends to like a page or group in a single click. It may take time for selecting all of your friends, but it works well. Large amount of friends can take more time to invite. If you have any problem regarding to this, then feel free to comment below.