How to Get Android P Boot Animation on any Android Device
February 1, 2024

How to Get Android P Boot Animation on any Android Device

With the Android P Developer Preview now available, we’ve got a lot better idea about what to expect. Released in early March, the Android 9 Preview is available only to the Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. You can download the Android P image file and flash it to your device or operate Android P in an emulator.

Get Android P Boot Animation on any Android

How to Get Android P Boot Animation

A boot animation is the loading animation that is played whenever your device starts up. Choose from hundreds of custom loading animations to install to your rooted device. Root access is required, and your device must be compatible to install custom boot animation. Don’t forget to check out the tutorial on how to transfer files from PC to Android using ES File Explorer.

As I said before, you can’t try the developer preview of Android P on any android device. But, you can enjoy the boot animation easily. But, there are few requirements to do that.

1. Required Root Access
2. Root Browser (ex. ES File Explorer)
3. Android P Boot Animation File (Download Here)

If your Android device is not rooted, then you can’t change the system files. If you are a customization lover, then I am sure your device is rooted. I have the Pixel XL, but it’s not rooted. That’s why I tested it on the Sony Z2.

Download and Install Android P Boot Animation

The above download link contains three folders according to your phone’s screen resolution. In every folder, there are two files; one for white background and another one for black. In my opinion, the black version looks better. Once you download the desired file, follow the below steps.

1. In your Android device, open ES File Explorer and swipe the left menu.

2. After that, navigate to Local → Device → System → media.

3. Here, you’ll get a file named Just rename the file to for the safety.

4. Now, copy the downloaded file to this directory.

Some users say you have to change the file permission to 0644 that is rrwr. But, in my test, I found it is not necessary to enjoy the boot animation without changing the permission.

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial on how to get Android P boot animation on any Android device. Any time you want to switch back to the default animation, just delete the file and rename back to the backup file to the previous one.

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