Fast Google Indexing Trick 2025 – Within a Minute
A new blogger always tries to write good content and then sits back and waits to get indexed his/her or her post on Google. To Index in Google’s search engine is not so easy, as usual, it takes 2-3 days to or even a week to get indexed in Google’s search.
Today I’ll tell you the fast Google Indexing technique, that can index your blog’s post within a minute.
Sometimes, we write articles with a time-based period. It may be a coupon or wishing messages for a festival that expires within one or two days; if it’ll take more time to index, then there is no value of that post.
Before going to the trick, let’s know how the Google indexing procedure works.
How Google Indexes Websites?
After posting an article you have to wait for the Googlebot to crawl your blog/website and add the fresh content to Google index. The question is that, how Googlebot finds new contents of a website/blog?
Every new content first added in sitemap data provided by webmasters. The bot always browses web pages formerly indexed. It will identify hyperlinks upon those web pages to add to the list of pages to be indexed.
How to Get Indexed by Google Fast
Using Google webmaster tool’s Fetch as Google option, you can do fast Google indexing within a minute. This option requests Google to manually crawl their bots on your newly created post to index your website/post faster.
However, Google has a limitation to use this feature. Every webmaster can only do 500 fetches per month. Let’s know how to do it.
1) Go to Google webmaster tool: www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
2) Now click on your website, which post you want to index faster.
3) Navigate to Crawl >> Fetch as Google.
4) Now put the new page URL, for faster indexing and click on FETCH button.
5) Wait for few seconds and click on “submit to index button”.
6) A Choose submit method window will pop-up. Tick on “Crawl only this URL” and click on Go button.
7) You are done!
Fast Google Indexing Results
It’ll take few seconds to appear your new post on Google’s search results. To view the result, just copy the complete URL of your post and put it on Google’s search bar.
Try out this simple fast Google indexing trick with your new blog posts for a faster result and share this trick with your friends.