How to Access Gmail Mail without Internet Connection
February 1, 2024

How to Access Gmail Mail without Internet Connection

How to Enable Gmail Offline?

1) Sign in into your Gmail account with your email id and password.
2) Now click on “Settings” from the setting icon.
Access Gmail Mail without Internet
3) After that, navigate to “Offline” tab and click on “Install Gmail Offline”.
Access Gmail Mail without Internet
4) It’ll go to Chrome’s extension page, where you have to install the “Gmail Offline” extension.
5) After successful installation, it’ll open the Chrome’s apps page.
Access Gmail Mail without Internet
6) Now lick on “Gmail Offline” icon.
7) It’ll promote a confirmation window. Just check on “Allow offline mail” and click on “Continue” button.
Access Gmail Mail without Internet
8) That’s it. This app synchronise data from your Gmail account and allow you to read them offline.

All the replies and composed mails are stored in outbox. While your Internet gets connected, it automatically sends those mails.
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